After a couple of months trying to get Slic3r going I have decided it is terminally brain damaged so have gone back to Skeinforge.

Mostly I am slowly getting better prints but the wipe function is defeating me.

In the wipe settings you set where the wipe starts, where it goes to and where it ends, it requires X, Y and Z values for each of these positions.

The problem is that if I set a Z I run the risk of a Z crash unless I send the table to the bottom, there doesn't seem to be any way to make it leave Z where it is or just drop it one mm or so from the present position so unless I cater for every possible model height by sending Z all the way to the bottom there will be the chance that it will wind the model on the table up into the head mechanism. I have tried manually removing Z from the CSV file but it just uses default Z then so goes to 50.

I can't believe this problem has not been commented on anywhere but Google is not helping.

Can anyone suggest a work round or know a fix?