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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Quick question re: support which is non existent

    I'm using a Maker Select. Cura 15.0.46 (I know, i know. I print via USB and 3.0 prints off random 90 degree lines to the end of the bed. Others had same issue and just print via SD which I do not want to do. Anyway, i have support type set to everywhere however it is only building supports maybe an inch out. I've included pictures. I've never run into this before., has anyone else? Any suggestions? I normally wouldn't print in this orientation but I figured w/ supports it'd be fine and this orientation cut an hour off the print time. I always have very good adhesion and I think what is actually touching the buildplate will support this print but It's a longer print and I cannot really test the theory quickly so i'm letting it go. Anyway, here is the cura and print view currently. (Note that the actual print is 180 degrees to the cura view)
    2018-01-05 13.14.06.jpg

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    By your own admission ( your post)
    1- Cura already corrected the issue in later releases.
    2- changing orientation will also correct, but adds an hour to the print time.

    3D printing is not plug and play. You need to experiment. That means trying other slicers, methods, etc.

    My suggestion, Use the current release of Cura. Rotate the print for the best results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I do not know if cura addressed this I was just stating I'm aware there is a newer version of cura but it presents many problems and many are not solved. I cannot use the current version of cura for a few reasons one of which I mentioned as to try to avoid being advised to "use the newest cura". With that said, what other methods would you recommend? How about what slicers? I'd be willing to try others just to see if they handle this the same way. I'm just trying to understand why cura would not support this when it's set to support all. I was hoping there was something it was missing (Or I was missing) to make it determine this was not an overhang and that it did not need to be supported.


  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Thanks I may try them all and see how they treat me. Is there one that is the industry standard at this point? It seems many I talked to at the time a year ago used cura, perhaps this has changed.


  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I use Cura 15.04.6 mostly. though i do use idealMaker and Slic3r quite a bit. The others were all free and had to check them out to decide what I liked best.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    it's worth considering simplify3d.
    Yes you pay for it - but it's worth it in the long run.
    And it really is much much better than all the free ones I've tried.
    I just don't get on with the new cura layout at all ! They seem to have gone out of their way to make it totally mom-user friendly.

  8. #8
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I figure that sooner or latter everyone will upgrade to simplify3d. And I believe that if simplify3d had a demo of their program more would decide if it is worth the cost.
    Though after the initial cost of the 3D Printer. Plus all the headaches of assemble and learning. We just need a freebie to help, ponder 3D innovation is this really what we want.

    I have purchased many software's in my time many were not worth the sweat off my brow (Notice how I keep it clean?!?!?!).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I will have to try the demo of simplify3d. I really do like cura 15.0.46 and I find very few issues with it (Although today I've had two with it LOL). I just wonder if a newer slicer may print faster. I'm going to try the others w/ a test print and see how fast they print and how the quality turns out. I tried cura 2.4 when it came out and now 3.0 and they both posed problems w/ my printer even w/ all the settings identical. I just couldn't work them out and with 15.0.46 being dead reliable and the fact I know I can start a 6 hour print, go to bed and know it'll be right when I wake up I'm likely to stay with it.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Downloaded simplify3d and it really is very nice! I like all of the fine tuning I can do and after the print I am doing is done I'm going to try this puppy out. It has some odd default settings that I'm not sure I want to mess with. It has a relatively slow and small retraction vs. what I am using now, did you guys mess w/ that or leave it? I'll of course know more when I print a test but I'm curious what you guys have done w/ this if anything. Also travel speed (At least I think X/Y axis speed is travel speed) was fairly slow (75mm/s vs. 150mm/s) which I did increase to where I am in cura, ditto the print speed (from 60mm/s to 75mm/s).

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