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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Some Really Cool 3D Printing Stats, thanks to 3D Hubs

    Just saw that 3D Hubs released some stats of their users. I know this is only a small percentage of people using 3D printers worldwide, but I'm sure some of these numbers hold up well over a broader sample size.


    To me, it's surprising that the Replicators have such a huge market share, and the Cube, Cube 2, Cube X are virtually non existent. Is this accurate? No one uses the Cubify cubes?

    I doubt as if these numbers would hold up if you were to poll everyone that has a 3D printer. 3D Hubs allows people to use other peoples printers, so you will see more "needs" than "wants" in their data. Scale Models definitely are not printed more than anything else on a grander scale. Neither are Prototypes probably (at least not using fdm printers). Although this is based on dollar values.

    I had no idea that the RepRap printers were so popular everywhere but in the US. I guess it's true that American are lazy

    Printer manufacturers for 3D printers in general is not shown here. This is for the at home FDM printers. If it was a general poll of all 3D printers out there, I'm sure 3D systems would be in the lead.

    This is very interesting to me. Of course PLA and ABS is up there, but there are a lot of materials on there that I haven't heard of and didn't know were printable with printers that most people have at home.

    This is pretty much what I expected. I know I use a ton of white and black filament. I wouldn't have guessed that gray was that high though.

    Also interesting is that 3D Hubs now has over 4,000 printers listed on their site. This is up from just 2, 1 year ago. Seems like their site is growing pretty nicely.

  2. #2
    What stands out to me how popular Ultimaker is in Europe while it has almost a nonexistent market elsewhere. If I was Ultimaker CEO Siert Wijnia, I would be trying to market my product in both North and South America. It's a great printer but they don't get the word out enough here in the Americas.

  3. #3
    I find it really fascinating to see how many "other" printer models there are in the market.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Add bshadown on Thingiverse
    Mind the question: PLA-PHA(Blend)?? BendLAY?? Monochrome????? what the hell are those? i even heard of the HIPS and PC(policarbonate), but never of those ones, also whats the deal with colorfabb XT, it isnt ABS or something?

  5. #5
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    Quote Originally Posted by bshadown View Post
    Mind the question: PLA-PHA(Blend)?? BendLAY?? Monochrome????? what the hell are those? i even heard of the HIPS and PC(policarbonate), but never of those ones, also whats the deal with colorfabb XT, it isnt ABS or something?
    Xt is more like taulman's T glase. They are both based on PET.

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