While many of us lead comfortable, wonderful lives filled with families, careers, and all the material items we need, there are many dark days in the animal kingdom, filled with senseless killing due to poaching and hunting, loss of habitat, and more. Organizations like the International Fund for Animal Welfare, though constantly challenged, are persistent in their dedication to saving animals around the world, from the smallest to largest—and from cats and dogs to seals and whales. Now, they’ve come together with Young & Rubicam Paris to launch quite the provocative ad campaign featuring a 3D printer that shows a series of animals half-printed, with text reading ‘If only they were this easy to reproduce.’ The simple idea is to contrast how easy it is to make and fix things with technology, but impossible to replace all the animals we’ve lost, and to cause people to ponder the fragility of nature and wildlife—and the disappearing habitats of many. Read more at 3DPrint.com: https://3dprint.com/133698/3d-printi...gered-animals/