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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Quality/speed issues

    I started noticing the divots that you see in the back of the print done at 3600mm/min yesterday.
    I increased the print speed to 4800mm/min and the divots are gone for the most part.
    I did a third print at 6000mm/min and the quality seems a little better yet.

    The top of the prints showed quite a difference between the various print speeds as well.

    Any idea what I can do to get consistently good prints based on these examples?


  2. #2
    Technologist 3dex ltd's Avatar
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    In my opinion there is only one thing you can do to get consistently good prints and that is reduced your speed. A slow print speed will generally give a good quality result. However, obviously the trade off is time. Slow prints take forever! So you have to decide what prints you want to be of good quality and what prints you want done fast. We never really go above 4200mm/min and if we want a really good print speed we go for 2400mm/min.

    I hope some of this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    3600mm/min has been my normal speed for a very long time. It's just in the past day that I noticed the divots on the bottom of the prints. I guess it could be new filament, but I made a few prints with it that did not have the divots.

    I have plenty of patience to wait for a print to come out nice by printing slow. I think I'll experiment with some slower speeds and see what develops.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kd7eir View Post
    3600mm/min has been my normal speed for a very long time. It's just in the past day that I noticed the divots on the bottom of the prints. I guess it could be new filament, but I made a few prints with it that did not have the divots.

    I have plenty of patience to wait for a print to come out nice by printing slow. I think I'll experiment with some slower speeds and see what develops.
    Looks like either your nozzle is too close to the bed or you have some over extrusion on your first layer. Could also be a bit too hot extrusion temp.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Chadd View Post
    Looks like either your nozzle is too close to the bed or you have some over extrusion on your first layer. Could also be a bit too hot extrusion temp.
    I have a .4 Hexagon hot end with layer height set to .23 and my nozzle set to .10mm from the bed. Does any of that look wrong?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kd7eir View Post
    I have a .4 Hexagon hot end with layer height set to .23 and my nozzle set to .10mm from the bed. Does any of that look wrong?
    Probably one of the easiest things to try would be to change your Z offset to raise your nozzle a little bit, you can always just change the offset back to what it was if it doesn't help.

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