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  1. #1

    Drifting at the end of a job... Da Vinci 1.0


    What's up with this? It was going beautifully until almost the end, then this happened. Any ideas??


    (see attached)

  2. #2
    Engineer-in-Training ServiceXp's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    That's a slicer issue. But since (I'm assuming) you're using xyz ware, the above link probably won't help much.

    Is the error showing up in the slicer? If so, move it around a bit, resize and then unresize it, rotate it some. Basically wiggle it a bit and see if it works. XYZ is finicky like that sometimes.

    If it still occurs, there may be an unseen error in the STL (other slicer's probably wouldn't even trip over it). Try another STL (I know there's bazillions of tardis STL's out there), or redesign it from scratch if it's yours.

    At the very least, print just a simple box of the same overall dimensions to rule out a hardware hiccup.

    For the lack of closure at the top, set your print speed to slow. I've found the Davinci doesn't handle quick layers like that very well. One trick I've found to help with the little knobs and such on top is to print a cylinder that completely surrounds your object, and a couple layers above that. It'll give the head something to do while the previous layer cools a bit. Make it the thinnest wall you can.

    Something like this: davinskirt.JPG

    And post up your STL, I'll take a look.

  4. #4
    I'm using Repetier and Slic3r. I'm thinking the filament or wires got hung up for a second while printing.

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