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  1. #1

    Audi R18 3D Model Help


    I am trying to print this 3D model, but nothing my friend and I do seem to work.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Here is a link to the file:

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    That's the issue with online repos, sometimes the files were made only to look nice. In that case inverted faces & non manifold meshes are not a problem.

    Have you tried to run it through Netfabb ? Have you made an analysis in Meshmixer ?

    What happened then ?

  3. #3

    Meshmixer analysis

    Quote Originally Posted by LambdaFF View Post
    That's the issue with online repos, sometimes the files were made only to look nice. In that case inverted faces & non manifold meshes are not a problem.

    Have you tried to run it through Netfabb ? Have you made an analysis in Meshmixer ?

    What happened then ?
    OK confession time, I'm 100% new to this.

    I downloaded meshmixer and ran an analysis, below is the screenshot.

    r18 meshmixer analasys.jpg

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    I'm not an expert but all the blue lines mean to me the various surfaces not merged (I think). You need to go in meshmixer. Select a surface (use "expand to connected"), and then merge it to its neighbours, until everything is one continuous hole-less single shell. As it is, is it seems you have several unconnected surfaces close to each other.
    That is what I meant saying that 3D printing models have additional requirements to "esthetic" 3D models.
    Depending on the quality of this model, you're alsmot better off re-designing yourself.
    That is also why curated repos for 3D printing and 3D designs databanks are 2 different things : not all 3D models are 3Dprintable.

    Go to thingiverse or myminifactory or threeding or ... and you'll see.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by LambdaFF View Post
    I'm not an expert but all the blue lines mean to me the various surfaces not merged (I think). You need to go in meshmixer. Select a surface (use "expand to connected"), and then merge it to its neighbours, until everything is one continuous hole-less single shell. As it is, is it seems you have several unconnected surfaces close to each other.
    That is what I meant saying that 3D printing models have additional requirements to "esthetic" 3D models.
    Depending on the quality of this model, you're alsmot better off re-designing yourself.
    That is also why curated repos for 3D printing and 3D designs databanks are 2 different things : not all 3D models are 3Dprintable.

    Go to thingiverse or myminifactory or threeding or ... and you'll see.
    I can't seem to figure out how to merge the surfaces, and when I tell it to fix errors on it's own it deletes almost all of the car.

    I'm giving this the best shot I know how to and am falling flat, this is a CAD model so I'm assuming it's printable (with a few fixes), can anyone confirm?

    Thank you!

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    I'm more an industrial designer than artist. As such considering the complexity, designing this car is a couple hours work, tops - with the proper software. So, given the unknown quality of the file :
    Quote Originally Posted by LambdaFF View Post
    Depending on the quality of this model, you're alsmot better off re-designing yourself.
    I can't help you fix an STL, I don't really know how to : I make me own files and they work. Have you tried netfabb as suggested ?

    Otherwise, I suggest you look for another model in a repository that caters for 3D printing : at least the models are checked for 3D printability.

    EDIT : I see he has posted a STEP file. This is a much better quality file that should ensure a proper solid definition. Try to get that and mesh to make a STL : should work better. If you can't I'll give it a look.

  7. #7
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    OK, so I did look into it. I was astonished at 1st to see the audi logo and the "7" in the model. Then it confirmed what I said above. If you look at the 2 arrows, the model is not manifold (it is not closed and watertight). The designer basically designed the outer shell and a few addons but didn't bother to close : these are just planes standing in thin air, they have no thickness. Can't be used for 3D printing.

    At this stage :
    1/ You take it and close the holes (good luck).
    2/ You look in a 3D printable repository for another one.
    3/ You design it yourself. we can help for that.

    Sans titre 1.jpg

  8. #8
    Thank you so much for your help!

    I suppose I might as well redesign it, as I need to make several changes anyways.

    Where should I go for a very beginner-level tutorial on this?

    Kind regards

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