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  1. #1
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    Finally a fantastic nylon filament that DOES NOT WARP !!!

    So i picked up a couple of samples of Nylon from the MyMat guy at the tct show.

    My dad wanted some carabiner clips - so this seemed like a perfect opportunity to try the MyMat nylon.

    Two types - one plain: simply called MyMat soft nylon. A pretty standard looking and feeling nylon filament.
    And one with carbon fibre reinforcement called: MyMat ultra nylon.

    The carabiners are 70mm long and 35 at the wide end. the part in contact with the build plate are 6.5mm wide.
    No way I could print these with any of the taulman nylons I've tried, theyd warp off the plate insiide a few layers.

    I printed 4 white and 2 carbon fibre reinforced clips with absolutely no issues. they get a little fluffy - but 10 seconds with sanding cloth got rid of that.
    Dimensionally - pretty good. I had to adjust the gap slightly. But only the first clip wasn't fully functioning.
    After that I changed the settings. MyMat recommeded to up the extrusion multiplier - turns out this was not necessary.
    Set that at one and print at 55mm/s and you get pretty sharp print.

    Printing on glue stick at 60c (Mymat recommend 80, but I couldn't be arsed to recalibrate the printer at the different temp - and didn't need to.)

    The scratches are from the sanding.
    And it was just real light fluff. No serious stringing.
    And did I Mention that printed in a non-enclosed printer THIS NYLON DID NOT WARP - AT ALL, NOT EVEN A TINY BIT !!!
    I've used pla that warps more than this stuff.

    Just a shame I've only got the two samples.

    But if you have to print stuff from nylon - consider this stuff. It just works, you'll get more first print usable models and waste way less than any other nylon filament I've used - oh yeah, and it doesn't warp :-)

  2. #2
    Looks Good !

    What Nozzle Temp do you recommend for it ?
    Do you know what Color choices they have ?

  3. #3
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    you get the white and you get the black with carbon fibre. :-)

    I used the settings mymat recommended for the first print. And turned down the extrusion and upped the print speed for the rest.

    nozzle temp was 260.

    The carbon fibre enhanced nylon I could print at the same speed I print pla. Hell I could probably print the pure nylon at that speed as well.

    This stuff is fairly pricey and as far as I can see, you can only currrently buy it direct from the manufacturers in spain.

    But if I needed to print stuff in nylon - this is what I would buy.

    I've got a roll of taulman bridge around somewhere - I'll try and find it this afternoon and try a direct comparison with the same part.

    Pretty sure what will happen, but you have to do it properly :-)

  4. #4
    Oh well, since our printer will only go to 230C (actual temp at nozzles)
    still No Nylon printing for me yet !

    Thanks for the Info !

  5. #5
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    thought you had a replicator dual clone ? - the one in your profile pic.
    Should be same as mine - extruders should go to 280.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    thought you had a replicator dual clone ? - the one in your profile pic.
    Should be same as mine - extruders should go to 280.
    Yes, there must be a Limit set in the Firmware.
    Both Heaters turn off when temp gets to about 228 or 229 C.
    It has always done that.

    Maybe someday I'll try to upgrade Firmware
    but as long as it's working, with everything we really Need is operational,
    I don't think I'll try it.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    that sounds like the pre-heat set temp.
    totally different to the actual printing temperature.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    that sounds like the pre-heat set temp.
    totally different to the actual printing temperature.
    Both will Not get above 230C on this printer .
    I've tried changing nozzle temp in both Makerbot-2.4 and replicator-G software.
    Last edited by EagleSeven; 10-29-2015 at 09:54 AM.

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