I recently had a small chat with an engineer from the DoD, and he told me something that I hadn't heard before when I asked him how he got his 2X to work.

The simple mechanics are thus: Most of the time, when you level the build plate on the 2X, you do it while the bot is cold. Nobody likes burning their hands. The problem with this, though, is that when you level it cold, and then heat it up to print, the springs under the plate expand from the heat. This also happens to every other metal part in the printer to some small degree. The end result, is a very, VERY, small height difference from when you made your level to when you started printing.

So, I came back into work and tried it. I let our 2X heat up and then let it sit for a while. When it was good and hot, I used two full pieces of 8.5x11 paper to level the plate. I got three perfect test prints out of it using the dual extruders.

Sadly, the left extruder decided it was time to end its life, and now I have a clog that I just can't seem to get out. But I digress.

tl;dr Level the plate while it's hot, use two pieces of paper, and ALWAYS print with raft on!