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  1. #1

    Dual bowden extrusion upgrade and help with multiply-part slicing..

    So usually I use a makerbot since I've access to one at my university, but I've a printrbot at home which haven't been in use for over a year..
    I now have an idea I want to build with a dual extrusion setup, so I've decided to turn my printrbot jr into a dual bowden extruder, at the moment it is a single bowden extruder.

    Have anyone experience with this and can give some tips? Parts? Links I could look into.

    Today I've looked at software for printing with dual extrusion and when I want to slice two separated objects inside slic3r I can't move the second part on top of the first parts since they have to be "assembled" first, but each extrusion head should print the parts separately.

    - How can this be done? Is it not posible to move an object inside slic3r along the z-axis?

    Also I want to look into Material science for 4d printing with shape memory polymers does anyone know of any books or other great information besides the average public articles on 4d printing being the future…

    - Looking forward to see what you more experience users have to say

    Best regards Dynamitetalks

  2. #2
    Regarding your z-axis issue, the solution is to add a piece at zero on the z axis, to your "floating" part. Take a look at this traffic cone on thingiverse: The far-right parts float, but there's a ring right at the bottom. You need to include something like this to get floating parts to float properly, or Slic3r will start printing them at 0 on the Z axis.

    Hope this makes sense.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 3dkarma View Post
    Regarding your z-axis issue, the solution is to add a piece at zero on the z axis, to your "floating" part.
    Thank you!! This has been helpful for this issue (:

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