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  1. #1
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    The micro. New video. 3dp tests

    I just got it back.. Have a look.

  2. #2
    Technician Duck's Avatar
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    Looking good! Is the filament tube issue fixed? Like can you put the spool in the base and feed it through the tube?

  3. #3
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    I hope to get time to show a video feeding filament internally and externally tonight. At the moment I think they only recommend external filament feeding.

  4. #4
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    As promised.

    How to load in unload filament video. One is internal, one is external. I recommend external.

  5. #5
    Technician Duck's Avatar
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    Once again, thank you so much for these videos! With M3D being so sporadic in their updates and provision of media, you're the first/only person showing is the thing actually working.

    How's the bed levelling routine look, is it all sorted now?

    How about homing at the beginning of a print? Does it still do that horrible grinding move where it just slams the head against a hard stop for a fixed period of time? I was really appalled at that - I thought they would have used their accelerometer in the head to detect an impact/jerk, and imediately stop the motor for that axis and zero it.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duck View Post
    Once again, thank you so much for these videos! With M3D being so sporadic in their updates and provision of media, you're the first/only person showing is the thing actually working.

    How's the bed leveling routine look, is it all sorted now?

    How about homing at the beginning of a print? Does it still do that horrible grinding move where it just slams the head against a hard stop for a fixed period of time? I was really appalled at that - I thought they would have used their accelerometer in the head to detect an impact/jerk, and immediately stop the motor for that axis and zero it.

    I don't think the auto leveling bed feature is live in the software yet. They have done a nice job with the bed calibration setting tho. It's made it a lot easier in the long run.

    I'll do a real time video later of the beginning of a print. It's much better now, no grinding noises or crashing.

    Also have a look at this video. Its a maker fair robot printed in high quality.

  7. #7
    Technician Duck's Avatar
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    If the bed levelling isn't live that's probably why they force the massive raft. That's disappointing.

    When you say bed calibration do you mean Z-gap adjustment?

    Bed levelling (compensation) - touch off on several points and calculate the skew of the bed relative to the gantry, and adjust Z actively while the head moves across each layer to compensate for the hardware misalignment.
    Z-gap adjustment - setting the offset from the extruder tip to the bed. If it is out by much more than 0.1 mm you will get a bad start to the print (either too high or too low - nozzle scraping across the BuildTak).

  8. #8
    Student WayTooManyHobbies's Avatar
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    As always, thanks for the videos! I've been monitoring the comments on Kickstarter, and with the lack of updates it can get somewhat negative. Your videos, though, show considerable progress. Now, if the software interface is standard so I can use Slic3r and Octoprint, all will be well with the world!

  9. #9
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    Yea duck the bed calibration I meant is the same as z gap adjustment.

    As for the bed leveling a friend pointed out to me last night that it appears that it could be taking bed leveling measurements with the first pass off the raft. When it gets to the corners(all 4) it seems to be stoping and checking the gap the going on all while filament is extruding(slightly). When it's doing that the screen says "warming up" but you know it's already warm when it's extruding. The second pass it doesn't stop it just keeps on moving. That could be the bed leveling on those stops.

    Honestly I have never stopped and read the kickstarter comments yet, until now. I'm shocked some people are being so negative. Most complaints are lack of updates, surprising tho because m3d has been updating monthly if not more often. This is the first month they missed their update by a few days. Last update was December 19. Some people need to lighten up and realize this is a upstart thing. There will be delays. I've backed 23 different KS campaign's(4 other 3d printers) and not a single one of them has given updates as often as m3d. Also every single one of them were 3+ months late on delivery, does that surprise anyone?

    Thanks to those folks whom are linking my videos in those comments. I'm glad I could keep people updated. More to come tonight once I get done printing this tripod mount for my iPhone.

    Also @waytomanyhobies if you give me an idea how to send gcode to this damn thing without the m3d software let me know. I'm willing to try loading code with octo print or cura. For my CNC machine I've been using Mach 3 but I couldn't get the m3d to connect to Mach 3(not surprising).
    Last edited by icanthinkofanid; 01-25-2015 at 10:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    raft with pla ????????

    Why ?
    The main reason I like pla is because I don't need to use rafts.

    Looking at the robot, either needs retraction sorted or some active cooling. Lot of spiky bits on that.

    Looks like they're still got a fair way to go, print quality wise.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 01-25-2015 at 11:53 AM.

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