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Type: Posts; User: dave21740

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  1. Replies

    I've thought about using food grade silicone to...

    I've thought about using food grade silicone to make a mold of a printed object, and use the mold to make chocolates. An actual chocolate printer would be more straightforward, but there's no way I...
  2. MeshMixer has a feature intended to orient the...

    MeshMixer has a feature intended to orient the object so that support is minimized. I've tried it and, honestly, I can't make heads or tails out of the result. It's probably cockpit error, but I've...
  3. Replies

    Sticky: Hello, I'm Dave, and I've been around since...

    Hello, I'm Dave, and I've been around since mini-computers were as big as refrigerators and had to be booted up (I am not kidding) by setting address/data switches on the front panel so that the...
Results 1 to 3 of 3