3 Attachment(s)
A Presentable 3d Prosthetic Foot for my 5 year old son
Good day ,
I am Paolo Marbella and im from the Philippines. I have a 5 year old son who started wearing prosthesis since he was 3 years old.
There is a NGO near our place that makes and provides sturdy but not so presentable prosthetic limbs to Children in our area.
The limb costs 15000 Philippines pesos and needs to be replaced every 6 months.
I heard about the printed prosthesis and was amazed and glad that even though its not that expensive, it is quite presentable as well.
Specially if the one who uses it is a child.
Is there anyone out there who could help me out with this? I mean, Designing a cool prosthetic limb for my son? Im a computer science
graduate and i could learn this things if someone would point me out to the right direction.
Thanks in advance guys hope to hear from you soon.
* i attached a picture of my son and a doodle of what his stump looks like and his prosthesis.
Attachment 1798Attachment 1799Attachment 1800