Painters tape not sticking kapton tape? tape discussion
(I posted this on another forum but after 5 hrs its still not published)
Hi I'm very new to 3d printing I just got my first printer a little over a month ago
it is a ctc dual (I think thats the name of it)
I have been trying to find an answer all over the place and am seeing a lot of conflicting information or at least I'm not quite getting it
I'm having problems with painters tape peeling up
the printer has a heated bed and has kapton tape on it with the blue painters tape on top of the kapton tape
it seems to always peel up in the same place
I've seen people saying to only use kapton tape with a heated bed
however when I tried this the prints wouldn't stick to the bed and I just ended up with a mess of plastic
the platform is being heated to 38c and I don't have the extra cooling fan mod
does anyone have any tips on what I might be doing wrong here
should I try different tape ?
should I change the bed temperature ?
any help would be greatly appreciated